

It might be based upon a hilariously outrageous, one-off joke of a premise, but Zombeavers believably fills its roughly 90 minute runtime with material that'll leave you nauseated, immeasurably frustrated, and oddly aroused, all while laughing your buck-tooth, scaly-tailed ass off. What makes Zombeavers so endurable and effective is that it proudly brandishes its gory, low-budgeted idiocy, making for a thoroughly enjoyable homage to b-level-horror. It might be nothing more than a delightfully twisted take on the carnival favourite "whack-a-mole" game, the only difference being, you know, Beavers...Zombie Beavers...but there should be no denying these little, undead balls of fur entrance into a horror-loving heart.

A trio of vivacious, rarely-clothed undergrads head to a remote cabin for the weekend in search of solace, surf and sun. However, their relaxation and isolation is short-lived when their boyfriends arrive unannounced in the middle of the night for alcohol and sex. As the partying and debauchery draws to a close, the group soon realizes that they're not the only ones enjoying the spacious cabin and murky lake...

Look, a supreme percentile of filmgoers will condemn the dam that Zombeavers has constructed on the title alone, hell, most of them won't even get the chance with the film most likely heading straight to VOD in most markets and the aforementioned title being off-putting enough on its own. Nevertheless, Zombeavers has a targeted, niche market and will undoubtedly become a cult-smash for hardcore fanatics, much like myself. It's not something you'll watch year-round, that said, when Halloween looms, let's just say you won't find a better costume party companion.

If you come in expecting anything other than gratuitous nudity, substantial gore, and comically inept, sexually-charged youths, seriously, with a title like Zombeavers, what the fuck are you thinking? Instead of ragging on the film's stupidity, force yourself to appreciate the filmmakers for actually having the gonads to attempt such a rambunctious, preposterous flick. The cast isn't reaching for Oscar Gold, but do a bang-up job passing the time until they inevitably become fodder for the semi-aquatic undead. Speaking of which, look marvellous on dry land and off it, immense kudos to the effects team!

Rating:  4 Star Rating

Zombeavers releases on DVD and Blu-ray in the UK on 20th October 2014.
You can watch the trailer by clicking here.

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Movie Released On:
20th October 2014

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