
Edgar Wright leaves Marvel�s Ant-Man!

I know absolutely nothing about the character of Ant-Man or any of his mythology. Even with that being the case, I was sort of excited for it. There are tons of superhero movies that come out every year that I’m familiar with, but it’s rare when one comes along that I can go in completely cold, and not know exactly what to expect. Was looking forward to have a different superhero in the mix of our usual suspects, am still eager to learn all about him. The second reason was because Edgar Wright was announced as the director. I’m a big fan of Wright’s, and was really interested in seeing how he handled the superhero genre; unfortunately, I’ll never find out.

It has been reported over at Variety that Wright has officially left the project, and will no longer be directing. Supposedly, the split between him and Marvel was centered around a difference in vision. Apparently they haven’t wasted any time, since a replacement has already been hired. Marvel has said this will not have an impact on the release date, which is still going to be on July 17th, 2015.

This is a major bummer. The news leaves me wondering who in the heck Marvel picked to direct instead. Ant-Man is going to be released a little over a year from now, and filming hasn’t even began, with this sudden change, hopefully it doesn’t affect the dynamic of everyone on the team and slow them down. I don’t want the movie to be pushed to a later date, but on the other hand, don’t want a rushed product. I’m hoping this still manages to turn out good, but my faith and excitement level has gone down considerably.

What do you think? Has your excitement level gone down like mine? Let us know in the comments section below.

News Story Written On:
Calendar May 27, 2014 7:48 AM

Written By:
Alec Muzquiz


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